Thursday, January 7, 2010

Hello from Maryland!

Helloooo everyone (if there is even anyone)!

Welcome to what will soon become my diary. I only have 9 days left in the States, and I haven't even begun packing! I have a mixture of so many feelings and emotions, and I will miss so many people, but I know that I will have the time of my life! But for now, this is to all the folks I will miss down at the River, and at home...I love you all :)

most of all, though, I will miss him...


Goodbye for now! I guess I should go start packing!


At January 7, 2010 at 10:17 PM , Blogger Mrs. Captain PAO said...

why won't you miss ME?!

ps. love the bootleg picturepeep photo :-p

pps. also love cutestblogontheblock design - stolen from moi? :-p

ppp. great url by the way. you should continue that in the title of the blog! :)

At January 7, 2010 at 10:56 PM , Blogger Lydia Ann said...

is that better?

Also, what do you mean, "continue that in the title of the blog"?

At January 8, 2010 at 2:36 AM , Blogger Mrs. Captain PAO said...

your URL is really funny - lydiapest. but your blog title is kinda blah - you should try to incorporate the url into the title

also, thanks for including us. poor brian :-p

also, you're a stalker - maybe you should find some more blogs to read :-p


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