Saturday, January 16, 2010

Goodbye Familiar, Hello Unknown...

I'm off to Hungary! This is probably going to be the biggest solo adventure of my life. I feel happy, loved, excited, nervous, scared...but most of all, I have a feeling of disbelief. I cannot believe that I have been lucky enough to be given this opportunity. I cannot believe that I have been blessed with people in my life that have made this experience possible for me. I cannot believe that I am about to go study Math in a foreign country for next five months. AND I cannot believe that I don't even really know what's going to be going on until I get off the plane. This really is going to be an adventure!

The next time we meet I will be in another land, far away. I will miss all of you (most especially him <3 ). It's going to be rough, but we will get through it! Viszontlátásra!

With all the love in the world,

Lydia Ann


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