Monday, January 18, 2010

A Day of Firsts

Today was a day that was filled with firsts. I'd like to share some with you.

1. Today is the first day that I have ever had to sit down while taking a shower to wash my hair. Who knew that the shower spouts are only 3 1/2 feet tall? Are people here really that short?

2. Today is the first day that I have ever caught my hair on fire. Yep! While blow drying my hair, it got caught and caught on fire. Just a little tiny one. But still!! It made my hair get into this HUGE tangle, and it was horrible. But don't worry...I saved the huge tangle to show my mom :)

3. Today is the first day that I have ever bought anything that wasn't with American money. That's right folks! At the Metro station right across the street from my apartment, I bought a juice box (multi-fruit) from the vending machine. It was about 170 HUF ...which is like .75$.

4. Today is the first day that I have bought Alcohol. A bottle of white wine, at the grocery store right next to my apartment. It was 390 HUF ...that's like 2 bucks! And it was actually quite good.

So I guess it wasn't that many firsts, but still! I think I'm doing pretty well. Besides being a little homesick and missing him a lot, I'm doing pretty well. Tomorrow, my flatmate and I are going to venture to Pest (I am living in Buda). I'll put up some pictures then I guess.

Love Always,


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