Thursday, January 21, 2010

Excuse me, this is CENTRAL Europe...

This was a good day. Scratch that.Today was a GREAT day.

I woke up and got to Skype with him before heading to another intensive day of Hungarian (it was a great way to start off my day). I feel like I learn so much during these classes, and then I lose most of it by the time I'm going to bed...Hopefully this is just the learning process?

We had 3/4 of a day in the language class because we were taken to College International for orientation. This is the place where all of my math classes are going to be held. We sat in a lecture hall, and I just started getting so excited. They handed out the syllabus for every class and I want to take SOO many!! sigh...

Then, I realized that I had to wait until February 8th. You know when you realize you're a huge nerd? When you are beyond ridiculously excited to start taking classes because you are having such math withdrawal. It's bad. Really bad.

After that, we sat back and listened/watched this 90 minute lecture about "The Culture of Hungary". It was awesome. We started off watching this interesting commercial. Watch it! There are subtitles on the bottom. Then he told us some history facts (some of which I feel like I should know):

~Hungary is a huge part of why East Germany collapsed. Something about how, Hungary held this huge picnic so that people from East Germany and West Germany could take a "long vacation" to meet with their family members they hadn't seen for so long. This caused a giant flood of people to leave East Germany for "vacations" and let to the collapse of the government. (I learned a lot today, so I might have gotten some of that wrong)

~Hungary is in Central Europe, not Eastern Europe. Eastern Europe has a bad name, and Hungary doesn't want to be a part of it.

~The inventor of the Rubiks Cube is Hungarian.

~The guy who figured out how to sterilize medical equipment (and realize it was important) is Hungarian. He is called: mothers' savior

~Hungarians are glass half empty kind of people (which is actually pretty sad)

~Waterpolo and Handball are HUGE here. I guess like football and basketball at home?

After that, we went back, did our homework, and then went to a little bar. It was called "Paris Texas". Someone said they saw it in their guide book as a good place to go. I don't think I'll go back because it was aimed for tourists and everything was really expensive. I had 1/2 a liter of the beer from that commercial (everyone thought it was appropriate that we get it :) ).

It was a great day. I'm exhausted and should go to sleep. Another long day tomorrow!


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