Saturday, February 6, 2010

Fortunately for you...

...I cannot upload my skit. I have spent the last 3 days trying to upload the video, and I am giving up. Trust me, though, your ears will thank me.

My last day of language class was pretty awesome. My class put together a pretty horrible, I mean good, skit.

Here is the main idea: Kevin and Csilla are going to see a movie, and they are watching previews (Lion King, Little Mermaid, and Pulp Fiction). I have to say, the two Disney groups just printed out the Hungarian lyrics from the internet. The two Pulp Fiction guys translated the whole scene by themselves (so I gotta give 'em props).

After the skits, everyone just sat around and sung our favorite songs. My personal favorite. Then we started our trek over to the Math school for orientation and a welcome party--which was stocked with fancy samwiches :)

By the way, here is what my schedule is looking like so far:

10-12 Real Functions & Measures
12-2 Geometry
2-4 Logic (Reading Class)
8-10 Geometry
10-12 Extremal Combinatorics
2-5 Hungarian Language Course
8-10 Extremal Combinatorics
10-12 Real Functions & Measures
2-4 Classical Algebra (only for the first 3 weeks)

Yeah, you can be jealous.

Friday night was a good healing night. This weekend was actually really nice. EXCEPT I didn't get to go to Church. The one that we wanted to go to had a sign on the front (in Hungarian) saying it was canceled :(

Sunday night was Superbowl night. Except it was actually Monday morning. A few of us went over to someone's apartment where we sat on his king size bed and watched the Superbowl off his computer. It was over around 4. We had a slumber party :)

Today was the "first day" of classes. Except I don't have classes on Monday! Soooo, I am really excited for tomorrow! It will be fantastic.

Today I did go to school and sit in on a Classical Algebra, 3 week course that they strongly recommend everyone to take. It's not for credit, but it's like a refresher course. And boy did it get me excited. The professor started talking about the Archimedean Property and how Rational numbers are dense, and I just had a huge smile on my face. Math just makes me happy, it just feels right.


I'll let you know how tomorrow goes :)


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