Saturday, March 20, 2010

I'm Feeling Rough, I'm Feeling Raw,

I'm in the prime of my life...

I'm feeling a deep need to update you all on my life (that's what this is for, right?). So here goes!

Wednesday, as you all know, was St. Patty's Day (as well as my Dad's birthday!). Wednesday night was the first night, probably in my whole entire life, where I chose to go out and have fun instead of staying in and having fun by finishing my homework. Ok, you have to understand something: I worked really hard for the whole week before that to get all my work done so I could go out and celebrate St. Patrick's Day with all my friends.

It's just RFM. RFM is killing me. Slowly and subtly. It is so hard. I don't even know what to do about it. I mean I read the book every night before I go to bed to try and learn something from it, but it really doesn't seem to be helping much. We have 4 RFM problems due every Thursday, and I tried so very hard to get them all done before Wednesday night. I finished 2 1/2 of them by Monday. I literally stared at my paper and book for 3 hours on Tuesday to see if I could do the other 1 1/2 problems. No luck. So, I decided to go out Wednesday night, instead of wasting the night not being able to do the homework.

Probably one of the best ideas I've had since I've been here. I had an absolutely fantastic time that night. I even lost my voice (and now consequently sound like a man) and I stayed out with friends until 4 in the morning (did I mention I have class on Thursday from 8-4?). It was awesome.

Thursday was nothing special really, but Friday was pretty great. Caitlin, Kylee, Tall David, and I went to this Hungarian restaurant for dinner. Are you ready for the name of this place? It's kind of ridiculous:

Márványmenyassony Étterem

Pretty awesome, right? Well the dinner experience was even more awesome and was something I know I'm going to remember about Hungary. The four of us arrive, and there are only two other tables that have people sitting at them. It was nice and relaxed, and we sat down and ordered (in broken Hungarian). Then, while we were eating, a gypsy band started playing and these three large parties come into the restaurant. We were guessing, "Wedding?", "Birthday?"...We never actually found out, but right before our food came, a man came up to us and said, "Where are you guys from?" I said, "United States." He replied, "Don't worry, you'll find out later why I asked..."

We all looked and each other and didn't know whether to be scared, creeped out, or excited. I think it was a little of all three. So we ate, and the other parties (mostly older people) were smoking, dancing, and taking shots of Palinka like it was their job. They were definitely enjoying themselves. Then, all of a sudden the man who asked us where we were from had a microphone in his hand. We started getting nervous.

He began to welcomed each of the dinner parties, there was a couple from Hungary (of course), one party was from Greece, one was from Italy, one was from Serbia, and one was from the United States (that was us!!). Then he continued to sing a song to each party, in each of their respective languages (he was pretty impressive).

He sang a Greek song, an Italian song, a Serbian song, and an English song--"I Left My Heart In San Fransicso", to be exact (which is funny because Caitlin and Tall David are from Cali and they got a huge kick out of that). Then, two men and two women came out and started dancing (with multiple costume changes). They danced with bottles of booze on their heads, and even had a whip with one costume change. It was ridiculous. We felt welcomed and included, and it was really awesome...

Not to mention, the food was wonderful. I can't wait to go back after Easter so I can have a dish with meat in it!

Today, it's over 60 degrees outside. It's absolutely, amazingly beautiful.

In 7 days, I'm going to be in Greece for my Spring Break! EEK!!! I'm so excited!!!!


At March 20, 2010 at 3:09 PM , Blogger Mrs. Captain PAO said...

oh lyd, it was st. joseph's feast yesterday! its a solemnity so you could have had meat!!

and yay for greece!! are you going to get to go to corinth? ephesus? umm... galatia? phillipi? i can't think of any more epistles :-p

staple it together and call it bad weather....

At March 20, 2010 at 3:16 PM , Blogger Lydia Ann said...

bahaha, oh that song!

And yeah, I should probably figure out what we are doing when we get off the train...


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