Monday, March 8, 2010

On Happiness and Poop...

The last 48 hours have been completely mind opening.

Absolutely, completely.

~ I am exactly where I am supposed to be, doing exactly what I am supposed to be doing, and surrounded by exactly who I am supposed to be surrounded by. Everything happens for a reason, and my current situation is no exception. God knows me and loves me and I would not be going through what I am going through if I couldn't come out on the other side stronger, wiser, and more like the wonderful, beautiful Lydia that I am going to be for the rest of my life. In the great words of Michael Buble, "Somehow I know that it will all turn out..."

~ Sunday morning I was awoken to probably the last thing anyone wants to be awoken to,

"Lydia, we have to clean up a homeless man's poop.."


Our Land Lady called and woke Caitlin up to tell her some unfortunate news. Caitlin began to explain the situation to me:

"The neighbors complained about a party that we had and said that whoever out of our friends that left last didn't close the front door to the apartment building all the way and a homeless man came in and slept in the front passage way and decided to take a bowel movement. Because it was our friends, and therefore our fault, we have to clean it up."

I looked at Caitlin and said, "Party?" You mean the people that we had over on Tuesday to do homework? Caitlin shrugged and said, "I guess.."

I was beyond confused. We had people over Tuesday, and a man pooped in the hallway, and no one is noticing it until now?


I took the phone and called the Land Lady. She said, "No, the party you had last night..."


We weren't in the apartment on Saturday night--or Friday night for that matter--and therefore, neither were any of our friends...

The Land Lady was confused and said that maybe it was from Tuesday, but it seemed unlikely. However, we still had to clean it up.

I'm not going to go into the disgusting, absolutely horrible, life changing details; just know that I cleaned up a homeless man's massive dump for no reason. ::shutters::

On the upside, I laughed more yesterday than I have in a really long time. My abs are kind of hurting :)

~On Saturday night a group of us went to a bar about 5 stories above a grocery store. Weird, huh? It was a dance club with Techno music. I was definitely thrown off a little (Techno music? How do you even dance to that?). I was told (very nicely) that I just needed to loosen up a little. It kind of hit me hard and I instantly realized something about myself: I'm really uptight when it comes to certain social situations. I guess I'm just not used to this whole being single thing. I need to be more comfortable in my own skin and just relax. I really do need to "loosen up". Needless to say, I decided to just relax a little bit and I ended up having an amazing time that night with some of my favorite people. Who would have thought? :)

~Yeah, we cleaned up poop. A homeless man's poop. That actually happened.

~While I was on the Tram yesterday, listening to my Study Playlist, The Weepies song Happiness came on. I couldn't help but smile:

"You can't steal happiness..."

And boy, are they right. A person's happiness should never depend on anyone else, and no one person should ever be able to take your happiness away. People are to aid in your happiness, not create it or destroy it. I was confused about this for too long of a time. I am a very happy, smiley person and I enjoy being that way. No one can steal that away from me. :)

~ Caitlin and I decided we are extremely grateful for toilets...


At March 8, 2010 at 7:53 PM , Anonymous #2 said...

I'm stealing your quote that you stole from Michael Buble. Thanks :)

At March 8, 2010 at 7:58 PM , Blogger Lydia Ann said...

Jessica #2?! Is that you?!


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