Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Change of Plans

Over the past four weeks I have really experienced the phrase that many “grown-ups” like to throw around:

Life doesn’t turn out the way you expect it.

Guess what? That applies to Math classes too!

I am registered for 5 math classes, and 1 non-math class (Hungarian Language). The most amazing part: 3 out of those 5 math classes I didn’t even THINK about taking. And they are probably my favorite classes :)

Here is my new and improved schedule:

~Real Functions and Measures (RFM)
I already talked about this class; it’s a must have for me. It’s really interesting and it’s really hard. It’s going to be the most difficult class I take as an undergraduate, I think. But! The people in it are great, the material intrigues me, and it’s a class I have to take so I might as well enjoy it.

~Functional Analysis (FUN)
Oh man, this class is going so well. I get so excited for Wednesday and Thursday so that I can sit and listen to our professor speak for 2 hours. He turns math into a story, and everything is always so appealing. I really connect with this class, and it is by far my favorite. I’m even hoping to do some research this summer in Functional Analysis!

~Number Theory (NUT)
So I dropped Geometry. I know, I know, it kind of feels like I gave up. But, I look at it this way: those two analysis classes are going to kick my butt. I might as well spend my time learning the material for the classes that I’m actually taking, rather than catching up on stuff that everyone else in the class already knows. So, now I’m taking a class all about the Integers. It’s awesome! My professor is hilarious, and his handwriting is so bad that I cannot take notes (they are all online) so I just get to sit back and pay complete attention. It’s actually really refreshing.

~Theory of Computing (THC)
I know, random. It wasn’t even on my radar. I learned that Extremal Combinatorics did nothing for me. Now, I’m not saying that I have anything against the material; the stuff is awesome, it’s just not for me. So far, THC is really fascinating. I don’t really know how to explain it, but it definitely has a Computer Science vibe to it. I really look forward to learning a lot in this class.

~Mathematic Logic (LOG)
So I know I said I dropped this, but I decided I’m going to audit the class. Basically this means that I sit in on the class, absorb the material, but I’m not graded or tested on anything. I figure that the above 4 classes are going to be challenging enough, so I don’t need anything else to pile on, but the material in Logic is really interesting to just learn. It will be nice to learn something with no pressure attached to it.

So, now that we all know what my classes are, I should tell you this:

This program is hard.

My homework is profuse.

My Wednesdays are painful.

And I’m loving every second of it.


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