Thursday, February 11, 2010

To My Dearest Sobrinito...

...this post was made, with lots and lots of love, especially for you:

Happy Birthday! I cannot believe that I have been blessed with you in my life for 2 years! It's utterly ridiculous. I know that I'm only 20 (so I don't have a ton of wisdom or anything), but I want you to know some things that I wish for you, and that I want you to know forever...

  • You will forever be my baby nephew. No matter if you are 2 or 42, I will remember our first story together (kertyschoo), I will remember our first park adventure, I will remember the first time we just sat in my car and listened to music (roll, roll), and I will remember every special moment we will have together.
  • As your Godmother, I will do the best I can to show you a good Catholic example. That being said, I am far from perfect (you will learn that very quickly). If you ever need anything, you have to know that I will be there for you.
  • You are a very lucky little man. You have a family that has an infinite amount of love for you (and I don't just throw that word around).
  • I promise to share my love of Mathematics with you. I look forward to the day that you know more than me; I look forward to the day that I get to learn math from you :)
  • Do something that you love. I have come to learn more and more that not enough people are doing this. Take enjoyment over money. Take love over wealth.
  • Take adventures. Don't think twice. Be crazy. Take the unexpected route. Live life to the fullest, and don't look back. You were the baby that went through the corn in the corn maze. I know you have it in you, kid.
  • Dare to be different. I know that won't be too hard for you (you have it in your genes), but don't shy away from it. It's very tempting, but only good things will come from being yourself and following your heart.
  • You will be the oldest of a very interesting, intelligent, beautiful family. If you ever need a break, I will have no problem spoiling you :)
  • Live life with massive amounts of love and happiness. If you take no advice from me but this, then I will have succeeded as a great Tia.
  • I will remind you 'til the day I die, that the way you said "more" as a baby was the cutest thing in the whole entire world.
With all the love and besitos in the world,
Happy Birthday,
Tia Lydia ♥


At February 11, 2010 at 10:22 PM , Blogger Mrs. Captain PAO said...

oh lyd, you made me cry. :)

At February 14, 2010 at 5:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe now that he's 2 he'll man up and play with chuck the truck...


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