Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Oh, Analysis....

Scratch that Logic class.

I fell in love today. And it wasn't even with a class that I had thought about taking. Now, we all know (or at least I know) that I really enjoyed Analysis last semester. It was an amazing experience, where I learned so much. Not just math, but I learned about my character, I built up my confidence, and I learned how to become a better Mathematician. But today, analysis got even better.

I had a time slot open from 12-2. Also, I really didn't like Logic yesterday, so I needed a new class (I can't only take 3!). On the schedule there was a class called "FUN". Everyone, though, was making fun of it because it was suppose to be ridiculously boring and really hard.

Psssh. Lies. Functional Analysis was the best 2 hours of math I have had this week. Now, I know, I've only been going to classes for two days, but STILL. I already know this is going to be one of my favorite classes. The class was small, the professor was awesome, and the material was awesome. AND I knew what was going on. I didn't feel completely lost (like in Real Functions and Measures), creeped out (like in Extermal Combinatorics), or like I was missing something (like in Geometry).

Sigh, I know that FUN will live up to its name. And I'm so glad I decided to sit it on it. PLUS, I still don't have classes on Mondays and Fridays :)

So, here's the new schedule (maybe subject to change):

Real Functions and Measures (RFM): Tuesdays & Thursdays 10-12
-I have taken Analysis I and I'm missing Analysis II right now at the River. But the Topics in Analysis class here is our Analysis I and Analysis II shoved into one. Sooo, RFM is like Analysis III. I'm pretty sure that this will be my biggest struggle, but it's totally worth it. And I love analysis, sooo I will get through it.

Geometry (GEO): Tuesdays 12-2, Wednesdays 8-10
-Sooooo, apparently you need a little bit of a background of Group Theory for this class. I have taken NO Algebra. I need to learn this stuff quick if I want to take this class. It seems so interesting, but I don't want to be the only person that doesn't know what's going on when the professor talks about groups.

Extremal Combinatorics (EXT): Wednesdays 10-12, Thursdays 8-10
-This class seems really awesome. It's basically Graph Theory (we're using a Graph Theory book)! I really like Graph Theory, and I couldn't take it because it's the same time as RFM, so this will be a good substitute. On a creepy note: the Professor stared at me the whole first half of the class. At first I thought I was just imagining it, but then three people (out of the 13) said something to me afterward about it. Hopefully that doesn't happen again, cause it was weird...

FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS (FUN): Wednesdays 12-2, Thursdays 12-2
- :) yay! This class is going to be my favorite. I know it will be hard, and it will kick my butt, but this kind of class is one of the reasons why I love math so much. :)

Hungarian Language: Wednesdays 2-5
-It speaks for itself.

So! That's all so far. I guess I'll let you know if Group Theory gets the better of me and I have to take Number Theory instead....I really hope not.

Tomorrow: EXT, RFM, and FUN! Then the weekend!


At February 10, 2010 at 11:14 PM , Blogger Mrs. Captain PAO said...

ewww? creeper??

At February 11, 2010 at 7:17 AM , Blogger Lydia Ann said...

I know. But maybe it's because I looked so interested in the class?


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