Saturday, February 13, 2010

Family Dinner...

Doesn't that look delicious?

Don't worry. It was. Friday was a great day.

It started out nice and relaxed. I woke up, made breakfast, and then I started peeling. I peeled potatoes for what seemed like hours. While Kylee cut up 3 heads of garlic, I peeled 5 kilos of potatoes. We were preparing to make food for a lot of people.

Around 2 we got ready to meet up with everyone else (cause they have classes on Fridays) to play some good 'ole American football. It. was. amazing.

Not only was it fun to just get out and exercise, but we had an awesome time running around in the snow. Kylee and I were team captains, and let's just say that I know how to pick a good team (we won 4-1). It was a blast playing football in the snow. We were soaked by the end, and ridiculously tired (and my body was sore yesterday from being tackled). Everyone was ready for a great meal by the end of it.

So, Caitlin and I went home and got ready, and then headed over to our friends' place (Joe and Neal let me borrow their kitchen). Then I began to cook for 12 people (mostly boys). Let's just say, I surprised myself (and I think I could totally pull off having a big family). I made mashed potatoes (with those 5 kilos), homemade garlic bread (with those 3 heads), and breaded fried chicken. It was a giant success! I was so happy it turned out alright.

I felt at home. I felt surrounded by family. I feel so lucky that I'm where I am right now. I've been blessed with this experience, and I know that I'm spending it with the right people. They are caring, funny, intelligent, quirky, happy people; and I am so thankful to have them in my life...

I popped some bubbly, we said a toast (they toasted me :) ), and we just sat around and hung out. Oh, and there were no leftovers :)

My hopeful plan for Fat Tuesday Dinner: Homemade Pancakes (for 12), mmmmm..... :)

P.S. Happy Valentine’s Day!! Do something ridiculous for someone you love :)


At February 14, 2010 at 8:29 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Happy Valentine's Day Lydia! Daddy and I love you! MOM

At February 14, 2010 at 9:03 PM , Blogger Lydia Ann said...

wow! you got it to work! I'm so proud of you!


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