Monday, February 22, 2010


My first day trip was a success! A group of us (me, Kylee, Ranjan, and David) went to a city in southern Hungary called Pécs. We don't have classes on Monday and Friday, so we are probably going to go on quite a few trips together.

We caught a train (my first train ride ever) on Friday, walked around the city, explored, spent the night in a hostel (my first hostel ever) and came back Saturday. It wasn't to exciting, but it was a nice relaxing trip.

After getting settled at the Hostel, our first stop was to the Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul. But on our way over there we found the Locks! People from all over Hungary travel to this city, Pécs, with the person they love to put a lock on this one particular gate. They lock it up and then throw out the key! There are a ridiculous amount of locks on the gate. So many, in fact, that they had to put a new gate up at the end of street!

We didn't have any locks with us, but we took a pretty sweet picture.

The church was right around the corner! It was a beautiful place, and it was a nice experience. All the Catholic churches that I have been to since I have been here (over 5 probably) have been the most beautiful churches that I have ever seen.

Our next stop was the Zsolnay Factory. It was a ceramic factory where most of the ceramics in Hungary (and even some parts of the world) are made. It was a beautiful place (and it reminded me of my mom). So here are some pictures:

Then it was dinner time. We went to a delicious restaurant, and Kylee ordered a Hot Chocolate. Except it wasn't what you would expect. It was litterally hot chocolate (it was nice and thick and tasty).

Of course, after dinner, we had to get ice cream!

It was awesome. The city was beautiful (it kind of reminded me of downtown Annapolis) and I would love to go back in the Spring (when it's not raining)!


At February 22, 2010 at 3:50 PM , Blogger Mrs. Captain PAO said...

a) whatdya get me?

and 2) no one does churches like europe, no one. and, the eastern ones that you are seeing have a completely different flavor since they are eastern rite - gorg! i would love to see the screens in front of the altars. pics?

how far are you from rome? it is so worth the trip - so says the girl who only spent one day there and didn't see half of half of rome! st. peter's is out of control amazing. you should go for it!!

At February 22, 2010 at 5:20 PM , Blogger Lydia Ann said...

they aren't eastern rite! It's all latin. I have YET to see a screen

At February 24, 2010 at 1:06 AM , Blogger Mrs. Captain PAO said...

seriously?? too weird....


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