Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Happy Fat Tuesday!

Happy Shrove Tuesday!

I hope you had a nice St. Valentine’s Day and a very Happy Presidents’ Day. I sure did :)

But, today, oh today, is Fat Tuesday. It's the last day before the Lenten season, the last day of the carnival season. Today you wipe your slate clean, and today is the last celebration before a time of deep contemplation.

It also marks the day before my healing process. This Lent is going to be very different from any Lent that I have experienced before. It will be a great time of reflection and sacrifice. But I am almost totally ready for it. I just need some pancakes first :)

Lots of pancakes! (Maybe over 200?) Yes, pancakes, blueberry pancakes, nutella pancakes, chocolate chip pancakes, bacon, sausage, ice cream, mmmm....

So please, for me, go eat something delicious and completely bad for you today. Today, you don't have to explain yourself to anyone. Today is the last big feast before Easter. So please, go crazy :)

I'm going to go have a pastry now :)

Next Time on Budagirl: Pictures from Our Pancake Dinner for 15!


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