Thursday, February 18, 2010

A Super Fat Tuesday!

You didn't think I could do it, did you?

Don't worry, neither did I. I was really worried there for a second:

-5 kilos of flour
-6 liters of milk
-32 eggs
-2400 g of butter
-5 kilos of sausage
-1350 g of bacon
-2 kg of sugar
-500 g powdered sugar
-2 "cans" of maple syrup
-5 lemons
-1 can of "whipped cream"
-400 g of Nutella
-2 bags of M&M's
-4 liters of Ice cream
-8 bottles of champagne

Ok, ok...the champagne wasn't used in the making of the pancakes....But still!

It was a lot of pancakes, approximately 104 (and a half)...

I have to say, I was terribly scared of making these, especially at my apartment. I only have three burners, and my kitchen barely fits me, let alone all the ingredients, pans, and people that helped me. But by the grace of God, and our determination to have fantastic pancakes, it was done, and it was delicious!

Also, this country doesn't seem to be equipped with maple syrup. Someone found some, but it was questionable. It's ok, though, we managed to find alternatives. We had powdered sugar, whipped cream, a lemon & sugar mixture, and ice don't worry, we survived :)

People got creative with these pancakes! They were mixing all different kinds of things together. My personal favorite: Nutella pancake, with ice cream, and some bacon. Also, I may or may not have piled some peanut butter on there (thanks Mom and Dad!)

It was messy, it was loud, it was smokey, it was dangerous (at times), and most importantly, it was one of the best nights I have had here so far. After I finished making the pancakes (with my 3 wonderful helpers-see below), and just when everyone's bellies started hurting because they were stuffed full of delicious homemade pancakes, the 14 of us sat around in a circle and went around and said what we were thankful for in our lives. We ended with a toast:
"To the great life we have lived,
to the fantastic life that is to come,
and to the wonderful adventure that we are now living...
It was a great way to end the perfect evening.

I have to say, I'm ridiculously lucky to have met these people, and to be in this place. I feel like I've known them forever, and I can't imagine my life without them.

I hope all of you had a great Fat Tuesday too :)


At February 19, 2010 at 1:20 AM , Blogger Mrs. Captain PAO said...

ugh, i'm going to be sick.

i'm glad you had a good time, but i need a warning next time you post so many pictures of food.


At February 20, 2010 at 6:17 PM , Blogger Mrs. Captain PAO said...

lol, btw, i love how i'm listed as the only "blow" you follow on your sidebar :-p

At February 21, 2010 at 1:12 PM , Blogger Lydia Ann said...

haha, oops!

Doesn't all of that look delicious?


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