Friday, February 26, 2010


There were many "goals" that I made for myself when I decided to do BSM (Budapest Semesters in Mathematics). Some of them were silly, some of them were unrealistic, but most of them are all attainable things that I will end up doing. The most important goal I set for myself, I think, was this:

Grow up!

And as it turns out, I think I've met that goal pretty well thus far...

When I decided to do this program, I knew it was going to be different then so many other people's abroad experiences; at least the people I know. I was on my own; completely on my own. I literally got on an airplane with no idea what to expect, who to see, or what to do when I got off in Budapest. I just hoped and prayed someone would be waiting for me after I got my luggage. Thankfully, there was...

I feel like even though I have been here for less than 7 weeks, this experience has made me grow up so much. I actually feel like an adult. I have no meal plan, I don't live in a dormitory, and I definitely have no real "rules" that I have to follow (you know, besides the law :P) .

I'm living on my own in this beautiful city. I have to buy groceries and determine the best way to deal with transportation. I can travel whenever I want, and I get to light candles in my apartment. I have to pay for electricity, gas, and water. It all makes me feel like a real adult. It's making me realize how exciting the rest of my life is going to be...

For the first time in a long time I am starting to do things just for me. I'm not thinking about anyone else, or making plans based off of how it will affect them. I have applied for 3 research experiences this summer (2 in New York, 1 in North Carolina), and I hope to get into at least one of them. After that I want to either visit my family in Key West or crash at my sister's in North Carolina (I haven't really mentioned either of these two to anyone yet, so hopefully they don't mind a visit from me!) I'm doing things for me, and I should have started this a long time ago...

Life is full of bumps and forks, and it's all about how you handle them when they get thrown at you that shapes the person you become. I want to be happy, I want to be a good person, and I want to be surrounded by people that love and care about me. God blessed me with a wonderful, beautiful family and a great set of friends at the River and now here, in Budapest.

I'm looking forward to's not going to be too shabby :)

That's all for now, I guess. I'll leave you with this nice quote I found:

“We grow neither better nor worse
as we get old, but more like ourselves”


At February 26, 2010 at 5:59 PM , Blogger Mrs. Captain PAO said...

dude, i talked to mom about this and i totes want you to get the NC one - then you can come visit and watch me get fat!

oh and help me move? :p

speaking of geeky math stuff - did you ever chat with miss liz from facebook?

At February 26, 2010 at 8:12 PM , Blogger Amelia said...

I second you going to NC because that's where I will be. (although... still 4 hours away from you) because I'm going back as a Research Assistant to the REU I did last summer.

Also, I love you and you're such an inspiration to me. Doing whats best for you is the way to go. I've found that doing whats best for me often turns out to be similar to whats best for the other people in my life. If only because I'm happier and have more to give.


At February 27, 2010 at 1:17 AM , Blogger Lydia Ann said...

So..I just heard that I got into the SUNY REU, and I think I'm going to do that one! It's about Topological Graph Theory (which just sounds ridiculously cool)

However, I will probably spend the last two weeks or so (cause I'm trying out for Field Hockey next year!) in North Carolina, and that way I can spend time with the nephew ::cough:: I mean sister :) and maybe get to see you, Amelia!!

Also, I love you too. You, and the other at St. Mary's, are one of the main reasons I fell in love with Math. If you weren't there to make it amazing, then I would have no where near as much fun. Not to mention, you're the Queen, so I'm honored to be your friend :)

P.S. NO! I haven't chatted with her yet! I have kept it marked as "unread" so I can be reminded to write back! I have just been too busy to write a good, detailed response. I will though!

At February 28, 2010 at 2:53 AM , Blogger Mrs. Captain PAO said...

hey, field hockey, rock on!!

aww, poo, new york! so how far a drive is that from mom and dad's?

also, if you're that far along, you could visit the NC math programs while you're down with me!!

At February 28, 2010 at 11:29 AM , Blogger Lydia Ann said...

It's like 9 hours from Bowie, and THREE hours from the Vermont Lonergan's. Basically I would be so far North that if I threw a rock at Canada I would probably hit them in the head.

And yeah, that sounds great about the schools. Although, I don't know if there are any in North Carolina that I would be too interested in. But! It doesn't hurt to look...


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