Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Watch Out, New York!! (and Canada?)

Yesterday I accepted an offer at the SUNY Potsdam REU doing research in Topological Graph Theory for 8 weeks (June 7th-July 31st)!!!!!

Isn't that so exciting?!

Doesn't that sound so cool?!?!

"Topological Graph Theory"
(I mean, you have to admit, it just sounds really cool...)

IF you are interested, here is some background information to some of the stuff I will be doing this summer. I'm not exactly sure what my research question will be, but I'm anxious to find out!

I know this is going to be a really amazing experience; and it will be a nice buffer between my awesome adventure in Budapest and my senior year at the River!!

Gah! Life is full of so many wonderful things, right?

AND, besides the fact that I'll be so close to Canadia that I can hit one of them in the head with a rock (not that I would want to or anything...), I am ONLY three hours away from the Vermont Lonergans. They may or may not be getting a visit from me...



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