Monday, March 1, 2010

Take a Cue from Hungary, America

Ever since I can remember, there has been a negative connotation to the term PDA.

Well, not in this country. It’s a Hungarian way of life…

Whether you are 25, 87, or 12, the people in this country have no problem showing the world (or the other people on the metro, tram, or bus) how they feel about their significant other: in a very loving way.

I’m not going to lie, at first I was kind of put off by it. I usually thought, “Don’t they realize every one can see?!” or, “Don’t you think that you shouldn’t be holding her butt like that in front of all these people on the tram?!”

But then, oh then, my naiveté soon faded, and I came to some pretty fascinating realizations:

Who am I to judge other people’s expressions of love? Who am I to feel uncomfortable around two people who care about each other? Shouldn’t I just be happy that they have each other? That they actually care about each other?

Now don’t get me wrong, it still makes me slightly uncomfortable to see two 75 year olds making out on the bus, but I’ll get over it with time…I think. If it makes them happy, then who I am to judge?

I think it will be totally and completely wonderful when I find the guy for me who doesn’t care who in the world is around when he wants to show that he loves me...

Who says PDA has to be a bad thing, anyways?


At March 2, 2010 at 7:06 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

oh true... and yes this is luke. i need something to do in creative writing because i just sit on a laptop typing and when im done i usually read your blog. now i can comment :)

At March 2, 2010 at 7:13 PM , Blogger Lydia Ann said...


I miss you :) Glad to know that I aid in your distraction :)

And glad to know you read my blog!! woohoo


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