Sunday, March 14, 2010

Happy Π-Day!!!

Last night was our weekly family dinner! And it was our first Collaboration Dinner--both me and my son, Jared, cooked :) It was wonderful and is going to be happening much more often!

Kylee is becoming a pro at making the garlic-bread


We made real Macaroni & Cheese (4 different kinds :] ). It was quite delicious.

After dinner and a really long WHOLE game of Spanish Monopoly, we decided to watch Saw.

Yeah...I don't know why/who decided that....

But today, our wonderful friend (and my cousin in the family) Lucas, is making two delicious Caramel Apple Pies (for Π-Day!!)!! We are going to have a homework party and the pies are being made in OUR apartment (so it is going to smell amazing).

I'm excited. And you should all go make a pie today to celebrate this wonderful holiday :)


At March 15, 2010 at 1:14 AM , Blogger Amelia said...

I am obscenely jealous of your pies.... I am in Urbana, IL and have no idea where to buy a pie (and no means of cooking one)

Also- why were you not at my apartment all the time last semester cooking me things?


At March 15, 2010 at 1:26 AM , Blogger Lydia Ann said...

I'm so terribly sorry that you are going Pie-less today. However, I'm sure St. Mary's is having the Pi-eating contest when you get back (right!?!) and you MUST enter (since I won't be there) and you must eat pie and it will be delicious (but mostly disgusting)

Also, I don't know? But I'm sorry?


P.S. mmm...pieeee

At March 16, 2010 at 2:48 PM , Blogger Amelia said...

Yes we are!!! We ordered 28 pies from Bon Ap. Also... Ivan Sterling and Officer Mary have agreed to participate.

Don't worry, there will be pictures


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