Tuesday, April 6, 2010

An Easter to Remember...

At 6 AM on Sunday morning, I woke the 13 other BSM train passengers to wish them a Happy Easter!

How did I cushion the blow? I handed out individual clues, so that they could find each of their hidden Easter bags (we didn't have any baskets) throughout the train.

It was great. I got to share my favorite holiday with really special people.

But I still had an ache in my heart. I missed my family more on Sunday then I have since I have left home.

I wanted to be in Frederick. I wanted to be wearing my yellow Easter dress and finding my Easter egg on the Palmer's farm. I wanted to be eating my Mom's carrot cake and my Dad's Cuban pork. I wanted to be in Church. I wanted to be surrounded by family.

While everyone was enjoying their candy, I went into an empty car on the train (there was really no one else on this train) and just prayed. For a while. I thanked God for everything He has given me. I asked for grace and patience. I prayed that my family was going to have an amazing Easter. It was just what I needed to calm me down.

After this, my day kept getting better and better.

We had to transfer trains in Beograd, Serbia; we were stuck there for about 2 hours. So, we decided to try and grab some real food and explore Serbia a bit.

After getting some food, I got some Easter flowers (courtesy of Paul and Al ♥)! I love flowers. They were (are) beautiful. And they smelled (smell) amazing.

The rest of the train ride smelled amazingly. I couldn't help but have a huge smile on my face every time I looked by the window and saw them :)

Caitlin and I got home to our apartment around 7 pm and my day ended perfectly (I couldn't have asked for a better ending). Not only did I get to Skype with my sister (and hear my adorable nephew say, "Bye Tia", for the first time), and not only did I get to Skype with my parent's to wish them a Happy Easter, but my Dad brought his computer to the Palmer's farm and I got to see my whole family (well, not my whole family, but it was good enough).


Any amount of homesickness I had from earlier disappeared.

It was a great way to end an Easter that I will never forget.


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