Thursday, April 1, 2010

A Glorious Bite

One of my old favorite songs by Snow Patrol has a really great verse:

Do the things that you always wanted to;
Without me there to hold you back, don't think, just do.

More than anything I want to see you go
take a glorious bite out of the whole world.

I was listening to this song on the train to Sikia yesterday, and I realized that I'm really starting to live my life to the absolute fullest.

I feel like I'm in paradise. The Greek people are so wonderful. We arrived to this town (that we just randomly found) yesterday and they were so excited to see Americans (they said they haven't seen any in this town for over 15 years).

I feel like the luckiest girl in the world for being able to have this experience. I was talking to Stephanie on the beach yesterday, and she asked who I wished I was sharing this gorgeous place with from home. And I would definitely, without a doubt, want my whole entire loud, wonderful, beautiful family (every single one of them) here with me.

But, since they can't be here with me (unfortunately), I just want you all to know:

I'm taking a giant, delicious, glorious bite ♥

*Unfortunately I will not be posting a Math Episode tomorrow. Regular programming will return on Friday, April 9th. I hope you all have a very blessed Holy Thursday & Good Friday.


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