Sunday, May 23, 2010

Date with Kylee

On Friday, Kylee took me on a day date. ♥

To start the day of, we went to the Great Market Hall and bought gifts for our family and friends. It was a process. First we walked through all the stands, finding the ones that had the least expensive items we wanted. Then we regrouped, made lists, and went through all the stands again and actually bought the presents. I was very pleased and now I'm almost all done with presents :)

Then, we went back to my place to put the presents away and Kylee said we had three options for the rest of our date:
  1. Something physical.
  2. Something new.
  3. Something different.
Then she continued to tell me that they were all actually "new" for me, but the first one might actually be better if we did it next week, that the second one was a little bit more permanent, and that if we did option 3, I would say, "Oh, this is cool. Can we do something else now?"

I went with option 2.

I'm sorry, but I can't tell you what it is yet. Let's just say, it's something I've been wanting to do for almost 4 years, and I finally did it.

Kylee and I seem to bring out the, "You only live once!" aspect of each other. I think everyone should have a friend like that.

I'm going to miss this girl.


At May 25, 2010 at 5:34 AM , Blogger Amelia said...

I have a guess. :~)


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