Monday, May 17, 2010

Epic Birthday Weekend.

Best birthday weekend ever?


I'll start with Thursday night and fill you in from there.

I was in my PJ’s, brushing my teeth, when the phone rang.

It was Stephanie. I already knew what she wanted.

She insisted that if I didn't go out on Thursday night, she would come to my apartment, with an entourage, to wake me up at midnight to wish me a happy birthday.

Now, seeing as how I didn’t want to disrupt Caitlin, who has an 8 AM class on Fridays, I felt it only right to go out.

I met up with her and a few other people to hang out at a bar. At midnight, on May 14, 2010, a Hungarian bar, stocked full of Hungarian people, sang Happy Birthday to me, in English. I can’t tell you how incredibly special that made me feel. As I sat in the middle of all of them, complete strangers and close friends, I was the most important person in that room. It was amazing.

After we sat around and talked for an hour, we all headed home to go to sleep. When I was on the bus I texted Stephanie and said, “I love you. Thank you for having an entire bar sing Happy Birthday to me.” She texted back, “…I hope today is super special for you.” I guess she didn’t realize that she had already made it special for me :)

It was already a birthday to remember, and the day hadn’t even begun.

A few weeks ago, Kylee took a piece of paper and taped “Have the best day ever!! You rock!” to the mirror in our bathroom. When I woke up Friday morning, Caitlin had taken a red pen and inserted the word “birth” right before "day". It was perfect to wake up to.

Kylee, Ranjan, and David came over and I made French toast and homemade whipped cream (with lots of help from David) for breakfast.

Kylee bought me flowers ♥

They were absolutely beautiful.

After breakfast, David and I went to McDonald's so I could call my mom and do a few things on the internet. While I was gone, Kylee and Ranjan made the birthday cake that my parents had sent me. It was adorable.

The cake also came with these frosting markers that you could write on the cake with. David wrote 21 on my tongue with a few of the colors, so my mouth looked crazy the whole day. It's ok, though, it was funny.

That night, we all went to Stephanie's apartment where a bunch of BSMers were gathered to celebrate my birthday. We got all dolled up and headed over.

When we were there, everyone sang Happy Birthday to me and I blew out the 21 candles on my birthday cake. As soon as I did...

Stephanie shoved it in my face.

But don't worry. It was quite delicious :)

The rest of the evening was just hanging out and having fun.

It really was one of the best birthdays I've ever had. It was only missing friends from the River and family. But, I'm not going to complain; I wouldn't have changed it for the world.

Saturday morning, bright and early, we hopped on a bus to Prague.

The whole trip to Prague was really nice and relaxing. I seem to have been blessed with those kinds of trips this semester.

We walked around and saw beautiful buildings, gorgeous views, and basically just took a lot of pictures.

I have two weeks left, and finals are going to rock me. Going to Prague and having an amazing birthday were just what I needed to pull me through!


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