Thursday, May 13, 2010

To the Next Year of My Life...

I'm not sure if you know this, but tomorrow is a very special day.

Tomorrow marks the day that one of the greatest writers of Science Fiction was born.

Actually, if you didn't know, it's the best day of the year.

Without him, we wouldn’t have Ewoks, the force, and (debatably the most important) Yoda.

So, George Lucas, I hope you have
a great birthday tomorrow!!!

Ok, but seriously, it’s also MY birthday. And I think (hopefully to some people—at least 3?), that that’s more important.

Tomorrow marks the end (finally) of my 20th year on this Earth (seriously, finally!!).

Not only will I be able to legally drink in the United States, but I will be one year older, one year wiser, and one year closer to being able to rent a car (besides Enterprise…they’re on top of their game and I think you can rent a car there at like 19?).

As amazing as the past 20 years have been, I'm ready to put them behind me. I have absolutely no problem saying goodbye to my 20 year old self--forever. You were a necessary, but completely-glad-to-be-done-with year. You will not be missed! I have so much more to look forward to!

It seems that this year is going to be bringing some really amazing things my way. I'm reconnecting with old friends, I'm going back to a sport that I loved playing (and actually felt like I was good at), I'm going to be doing a ton more math (duh!), I get to live in a townhouse on the Greens with some of my favorite people, and I get to become an aunt again.

I'm so excited for my future and everything that it's going to be throwing at me. I think that it's totally perfect that I get to start my 21st year in Budapest and end it by graduating. That's right...I graduate college on my 22nd birthday. How completely awesome, right?

Please note: This does not mean that you get to pond me in my cap and gown :)

I want to say thank you to everybody and anybody who has been there for me throughout my life; all my aunts and uncles, my grandparents, my cousins, my friends, my brother-in-law, my sister, and most especially my parents. I'm blessed with an incredibly beautiful, intelligent family, and a set of friends that I wouldn't trade for the world.

If I wasn't me, I would totally be jealous of my life :)

If you haven't noticed, I'm pretty excited for this next year.

I think it's safe to say that my life is just getting interesting.

So, future Lydia, happy birthday!!!!

But more importantly than that (I know...there's something more important than my birthday?!), I want you to know this--from a younger, foolish version of yourself:'re destined to do
great, wonderful, beautiful things. ♥


At May 13, 2010 at 3:14 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

thanks for putting up a gross pic of me.... and i look like im fat cuz i have food :P

At May 13, 2010 at 4:01 PM , Blogger Mrs. Captain PAO said...

luke, you look hot and lyd, i just noticed you look naked in that ball picture. weird :-p

At May 13, 2010 at 5:05 PM , Blogger Lydia Ann said...

Luke: I was trying to include you in pictures. I will never again since you always hate the pictures I choose. I understand that you don't love me... :p

Lina: I am not naked. However, I can see how you could think such things. I just love that pictures because I look so stinking happy :)

At May 13, 2010 at 7:48 PM , Anonymous Sarah said...

Lydia!!! I don't know how I stumbled on this (facebook?) but happy 21st freakin birthday!!! (almost). So I realize I haven't talked to you in one million years but I felt obligated to say a few things:
1. You are in Budapest?!?! (you have probably been there a long time and I am super late) That is AWESOME!! It sounds like you're having the time of your life and I hope you are!!
2. YES you were amazing at field hockey (I'm guessing that's the sport you were talking about considering the pic) and that is pretty cool you're playing again. I wish I could play still but for some reason it's not a popular sport out in the land of no grass (arizona hehe) I tried playing on the club team at school but most of the people on the team were 30 yr old men from various european places and they played actual games once or twice a year three hours I stopped playing on our patchy dead-grass worse than seton fields
3. I LOVE the ball picture of just look so freakin cute and that night was so freakin fun. I remember it well and can't believe we're all going to be 21! (and wow you really do look naked lol)

sooo that's all I have to say... I loved slightly stalking your sounds like so much fun right now!! Hope you're doing well and you didn't mind hearing from a random long lost friend :]

<3 Sarah

At May 13, 2010 at 8:05 PM , Blogger Lydia Ann said...


I do not mind at all. It seems that reconnecting with old friends has become a very popular trend in my life. I am totally ok with it :) Stalk away :)

I AM going to play hockey next year and I'm so excited for it. I loved playing at Seton and I've missed it a lot.

That night, the night the ball picture was taken, was SO.MUCH.FUN. It's a favorite memory of mine, along with a lot about that summer.

I hope that Arizona is treating you nicely. I can't believe that we are going to be seniors soon and GRADUATING COLLEGE?!!? When the heck did we get so grown up?


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