Monday, May 3, 2010

Marvelous May

The next month of my life is going to be packed full of wonderfulness.

I started this month, on May 1st, jumping out of a plane. What a great start, right?

I end this month, on May 31st, leaving my new home and going to my old one. That's a sad, but necessary, finish (all adventures must end, right?).

And there is so much happiness and goodness inbetween.

Not only is it Mary's month, and Mother's Day (twice! since Hungary's mother's day is different than America's), but next weekend I hope to go camping in Slovakia. Then it's my 21st birthday. Then maybe one of my best friends from home is coming to visit me. Then finals (uhh...). And so much more!

Besides the finals part, May is looking quite fabulous.

On the train ride home from Skydiving, I realized that everything that has happened to me this semester has been a blessing. Every.single.thing. All the hardship, the adventures, the failures, the love, the heart break, the internal struggles; they have all been blessings. Even if they were disguised pretty darn well.

"It's time to move on. It's time to get going. What lies ahead? I have no way of knowing..."

If the beginning of this semester hadn't gone the way that it did, then I wouldn't be where I am right now: in the happiest place of my life.

I love myself, and I don't think that I used to. I think that I'm beautiful (most days), inside and out, and I know for a fact that I didn't used to think that.

God works in ways that we, as humans, just can't understand sometimes. But I understand now that everything I've had to go through to end up at this point was to bring me here; to have these people in my life, to have my heart more open to love and life than I ever thought was even possible.

This last month is going to be the best part of my adventure, I just know it!


At May 4, 2010 at 1:16 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hows the ankle?

At May 4, 2010 at 1:25 PM , Blogger Lydia Ann said...

just dandy!!


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