Saturday, May 1, 2010

In The Great Words of Tom Petty...

I'm just an American girl that's runnin' down a dream, going wherever it leads.

I don't see myself having a change of heart about this because I'm a woman in love with the idea of the great wide open.

I'm learning to fly, but I ain't got wings. I know it sounds too good to be true, but this is real and it's happening right now (actually, it probably has already happened. While you are reading this, I am probably on my way back to my apartment coming off the biggest high of my life).

It just seems like there is something in the air that's inspiring me to experience some free fallin' out of a plane.

I know that you & I will meet again, maybe I'll see you in a higher place?*

*Too soon, Mom? Too soon?


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