Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Loud & Clear.

While I have suspected this for quite sometime, I have come to the resounding realization that life is completely miraculous.

At least that’s the loud and clear message that I have gotten from God the past 3 and a half months of my life.

Here we are, existing together, will all types of “things” happening to us. We find ourselves in certain circumstances, be it a tragedy, a blessing, or just about everything and anything else that life wants to throw at us.

But we all survive, and we all turn out just fine (for the most part); and some of us are even lucky enough to experience little miracles :)

Isn't it so fantastic that we find ourselves in situations that seem nearly impossible to us but everything works out in the end? Isn't it comforting to know that God would never give us something that He knows would be too much for us?

I guess the tricky part is to remember that; to remember that no matter how rough life gets, we can always pull through. We just have to have faith.


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