Friday, April 23, 2010

Episode 6: Combinatorial Number Theory

So last week I asked:

Does every number have a multiple that starts with the number 2004?

Well, indeed, the answer is....


That's totally cool, right? Every single number has a multiple that starts with 2004. Every single number. Even numbers that are 200420042004 digits long, still have a multiple that starts with 2004.

Don't worry, if you don't believe me, I'm going to prove it to you.

First, I need to tell you about a couple of things so you can understand the proof.

The first is this way cool concept called the Pigeonhole Principle. It states,

If n+1 pigeons are trying to find a home in n holes,
then at least one hole contains two or more of the pigeons.

It seems kind of silly, but it is a extremely useful in a lot of mathematics.

The second thing is a little bit more tricky, so I'm sorry if I lose you.

Consider a number, like 6. Then every other number is said to be congruent to either 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 "mod 6". This means that give me any number (integer), and I will tell you what it is mod 6 (you divide it by 6, and the remainder is the number mod 6).

17 is congruent to 5 mod 6 (17/6= 2 remainder 5)
36 is congruent to 0 mod 6 (36/6=6 remainder 0)
1679617 is congruent to 1 mod 6 (1679617/6=279936 remainder 1)--ok, excessive, sorry....
24 is congruent to 0 mod 6 (24/6=4 remainder 0)
74 is congruent to 2 mod 6 (74/6=12 remainder 2)
and so on and so on and so on...

We will note that if something is 0 mod 6, then it is a multiple of 6. Since every number can be written as one of these 6 numbers, these 6 numbers are called the residue classes of 6. Therefore, every number falls into one of these 6 reside classes for mod 6. This is true for every number, n (meaning, every number, n, has n residue classes).

Now that you know these two things, let's proof this super cool fact!


For any number, n, let’s look at the numbers in the form

200420042004………….2004 such that it has 4n digits
20042004………….2004 such that it has 4n-4 digits
2004………….2004 such that it has 4n-8 digits
all the way to
2004 such that it has 4 digits

We can see that there are n numbers on this list.

If one of these is divisible by n, then we are done because we have found the multiple of n that starts with 2004. Therefore, let’s assume that none of these numbers is divisible by n. Now, if we use the pigeonhole principle, and allow the residue classes of n to be the holes we can see that we have n-1 classes, and n numbers to put into the holes (because we don't have the 0 hole, since we are assuming it's not divisible by n).

By the pigeonhole principle, at least 2 numbers from the list must be in the same hole (or the same class). When this occurs, the difference of those 2 numbers will be 0 mod n, or divisible by n (by the properties of residue classes). This number will also start with 2004 (because of the way we constructed the list). Thus, we have a number that is divisible by n and starts with 2004.

THUS, we have shown that every number has a multiple starting with 2004! (Usually a little box goes right here to signify the end of a proof, but I don't know how to make that so I'll just do a heart.) ♥

That's pretty cool, right?


At April 25, 2010 at 4:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

But this is 2010

At November 6, 2011 at 11:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a student attending BSM next spring. I found the link to your blog and have been reading it obsessively since. I hope you do not mind this. It is just that your blog has amazing reflections and thoughts on life in Budapest and life in general.

Also, this problem was very well explained. So, within my limited knowledge of you, I would say that you do not need to worry about your mathematical abilities. You can- at the very least- teach/explain math very well.


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