Monday, April 12, 2010

Dad, You'd Be So...


This thing started out as a disaster.

A legitimate disaster.

Besides the fact that I didn't have the right cut of meat, and I had no garlic crusher, I had a much bigger problem.

I had no black beans.


I was freaking out.

Nobody understood why I was so worried. "The meal will still be delicious," they kept telling me. "It's just black beans, can't you just use another kind of bean?!" They didn't understand: having no black beans in a Cuban meal is like having a meatloaf with no meat. It just doesn't happen. It doesn't make sense.

I checked about 3279183271 million stores, and I just could NOT find any. Apparently I just don't know where to look because other people had seen them before. In fact, someone was ridiculously nice enough to let me have the rest of his black bean stash (I know, he will never know the great deed he did).

The only problem was, it was no where near enough beans to serve everyone. So, I had to give in and go to the store and buy another type of bean to go along with it. I don't even know what the bean was called, but Stephanie called them the "ghetto beans".

As it turns out, everything went great (when it comes to me cooking, things usually turn out quite nicely). The pork was delicious, and I definitely pulled a Larry King:

When the pork was ready, I found myself cutting it up and eating more than I was putting on the serving plate (with a Rum & Coke in hand).

I ended the night with a nice Cuban (a cigar, not a boy ;) ), and a Skype date with my parents so they could meet my friends and hear about how delicious the food was :)

It was as close to a perfect Sunday night as I need to make me happy ♥

You know if this whole Mathematician thing doesn't work out...I could totally see myself having a restaurant...

...but what would it be called?


At April 12, 2010 at 7:40 PM , Blogger Mrs. Captain PAO said...

ahahaha, with rum and coke in hand. so dad. although insert gin and tonic.

At April 12, 2010 at 7:45 PM , Blogger Lydia Ann said...

Mom is gin and tonic. Dad is most definitely rum and coke.


At April 13, 2010 at 6:03 AM , Blogger Amelia said...

You're going to come visit me in Urbana and cook for me, yes?

Also, I love you.

At April 13, 2010 at 8:21 AM , Blogger Lydia Ann said...

Yes! I can't wait to come visit you, and cook for you :)

Also, I love you too <3


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