Wednesday, April 14, 2010

MORE Wise Words from FUN

"If you just take a couple of Borel know, countably many..."

"For the first time in your life, an infinite object in your hand. Ok, really, it's in your head, you can't hold these things."

"That's the point of your life: when you understand infinite dimensions..."

"That's the main point in math: to have trendy, sexy questions!"

"What is the shape of the universe? You know it could be nonorientable..."

"Your eye is a finite σ-algebra; the world is an infinite σ-algebra. This is the philosophy."

"The Radon-Nykodym Theorem says that even if you're in the Matrix, you will never know it..."

"I'm not sure if you see...because you should not a little bit."

"It's an infinite dimensional space; it's kind of complicated."

"Give me your fantasy of linear transformations! Please don't give me the zero."

"That's why it's hard to imagine infinite dimensional spaces: because the unit ball is not compact."


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