Monday, April 26, 2010

"Hey, I've got testosterone..."

Vienna was beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.

We spent 24 hours walking around seeing beautiful buildings, gorgeous gardens, and pretty palaces.

When we first arrived, we stopped by the hostel, put our stuff down, and then went exploring. We even made a new Hungarian friend who joined us on part of our adventure.

We saw a lot of tulips. A LOT. Basically every place that had flowers had tulips. They were everywhere, and I was in love.

Saturday night we were all pretty tired so we went to bed early (we know, laaame). But Sunday we woke up early and Kylee and I went to mass at St. Francis of Assisi Church.

It was a beautiful church and the service was really nice. Before mass started the priest came up and introduced himself to us. He asked where we were from and we explained that we were from USA but studying "math" in Hungary. He was from England and he told us that English people think that Americans can't do mathematics because they can't even say it correctly. He explained that it isn't "math", but "maths"--because the word is plural. We laughed :)

After church, the four of us (Kylee, Ranjan, Caitlin, & I) went to the Schoenbrunn Palace. It was gorgeous. We even got to see some Storm Troopers and various other Star War characters (yes, I was as shocked as you are).

We spent the remainder of the day walking around, sleeping on the grass, and enjoying the absolutely perfect weather. Needless to say, I got sunburnt, but it was totally worth it :)

We decided that we were glad we didn't go to Vienna earlier in the semester. As pretty as it probably is in the snow, I don't think it could have been more beautiful than how we saw it ♥


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