Saturday, April 24, 2010

Painting Picnics

Spring has finally hit, and it’s hitting hard. The flowers are blooming, the trees are vibrant green, and the air is full of vivacious smells.

You know what this girl loves to do on beautiful Spring days?

Go on picnics ♥

The thing is, I didn’t want it to be any ordinary picnic. Seeing as how nothing about my adventure is “ordinary”, I didn’t want to break the tradition. I wanted to add a much needed twist. I wanted us to get in touch with a part of ourselves that we haven’t been in touch with in quite a while. So I came up with this brilliant idea:

“Let’s finger paint!!!!”

Ok, ok, I know: it sounds childish and ridiculous; but I mean, that’s kind of the point here! A few people laughed at me when I first mentioned this idea, but just think about it for a few minutes...

Here we are, in a foreign country, with awesome friends, in the midst of spring, and our brains are going to explode from weeks filled with massive amounts of math.

It didn’t take much convincing at all to get some of these kids onto the band wagon.

So we went on a finger painting picnic.

And it wasn’t just finger painting. It was also, “get as much paint on your clothes because you don’t have any adults yelling at you and you are finally old enough to do what you want with paint” painting :)

I think we got a few masterpieces made, and to say that it turned into a giant (beautiful) mess would be the understatement of a lifetime.

It was loads of fun. I had an awesome Friday, to say the least. Today I'm headed to Vienna, so I will be sure to update you soon about that.

I hope that each of you get in touch with your inner child when life seems too much sometimes. Take it from me, it's totally worth it...


At April 25, 2010 at 6:03 PM , Blogger angelamay said...

Lydia, this is AWESOME. You are brilliant & it looks like everyone had loads of fun! :)


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