Sunday, May 9, 2010

To the Most Magnificant Mother...


To all the mothers out there, and all the forms of mothers to me--my Godmother (Aunt Margie), my Grandma Barbie, and Moe--Happy Mother's Day!! I hope you all have a fantastic, beautiful day (even you, Moe :) )

The only picture I have of just me and Moe ♥

Now, as for my Mama. I'm sorry that I am not there to give you massive amounts of hugs and kisses, but I hope this post is some sort of consolation.

Approximately 7665 days ago, you gave birth to me (that number makes me sound so old). I like to think that because I was born on Mother’s Day, that me and you have a special little connection that other mothers and daughters aren’t quite lucky enough to share. It just makes us even more special :)

Thank you for always being there for me. Thank you for always knowing what to say to make me feel better. Thank you for your advice, and your wisdom. Thank you for always believing in me, and pushing me to do things that I don't have quite enough courage for. Thank you for your patience, and your unconditional love. You will never know how much I appreciate you for all these things, and more.

I love the way you say "regular". I love that when you end a conversation on the phone you say, "Ok, we'll talk to you later." I love when you stretch your cheek when I am going to give you a kiss. And I love that you will still sing "I'm Leaving On A Jet Plane" to me when I am feeling down.

I love you, Mom, and I miss you more than words can describe. I hope you have a great Mother's Day.

Love Always,
Lydia ♥ (your favorite daughter)

My beautiful, wonderful Mama ♥


At May 9, 2010 at 4:32 PM , Blogger Mrs. Captain PAO said...

i love mom's pained expression in the christmas picture.

oh and i love how she's wearing a BELT with a tshirt in the one after that :-p

happy mother's day mom, from your REAL favorite daughter (you know, the one who's given you grandkids :-p)


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