Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Close Call.

You know how I keep saying that nothing about this semester is staying the same? That everything that I’m “used to” or everything that I expected to happened just didn’t and hasn’t.

Well that almost changed. Almost.

When I was telling all of you about skydiving, I left out a little detail about my experience. While I was landing, my lack of gracefulness, as I put it, might have actually been me getting hurt.

There was some sort of translation issue (seeing as how the guy on my back spoke no English and I speak little Hungarian) about the way in which we were supposed to land. I thought we were going to run it out, but he wanted to slide it out. So, I put my feet down and ::crack::.


I didn’t even care when it happened. I had so much adrenaline pumping…not to mention it made a killer end to my skydiving movie :)

But it did swell up and I started worrying (for like 2 seconds) that it might actually be hurt to the point where I needed to go to the doctor. But I rested it on Sunday and Monday, and it’s looking much better; the swelling has decreased and the bruising has increased (that means it’s healing…I checked…)

But besides that, I just know that it can’t be broken. I have solid reasoning for this:

I have hurt myself every year of college (playing rugby). Freshmen year I broke my leg and subluxed my shoulder. Sophomore year I tore my ACL.

And now we are here, in my Junior year: injury free! There was no way that this was going to be the one thing that was staying the same: broken body parts. Life couldn't be that cruel.

So, as it turns out, camping this weekend has been cancelled. Apparently there's going to be massive thunderstorms and freezing cold weather in the High Tatras this weekend. I guess I can just take the time to rest my foot some more (and study?).

It's comforting to know that the constant change is staying constant :)


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