Wednesday, May 19, 2010

MOST Wise Words from FUN

"A single vector is an orthonormal basis. It's like you're alone
in a room and you say, 'I'm a society!'"

"It's so easy, it's funny!"


"It's bothering. [This theorem] doesn't like to be true."

"Everything boils down to the Open-Mapping theorem."

"I'd like you to remember something from Calculus.
Some knowledge. Some sleeping knowledge.
You should wake it up. It is ok."

"Of course Weak Topology is not only weak, but
Topology...well, that was nice..."

"So have a break. The last break of your life...
before you know Weak Topology."

"I have an idea about how you can
understand it...without any force."

"What does it mean philosophically
that H is in the set?"

"Do you understand what does it mean?"

"Now you think Weak Topology is ugly.
It's not ugly, it's quite nice."

"You have this one, nice, little thing:
the infinite dimensional cube."

"Did you know that 10% of all Mathematical
PhD's in the U.S. went to BSM?!"**

"The position of the Earth can be written
down with six real numbers!"

"There are some words in English that I can just not
get. This here is called parallelogram? In Hungarian, you
will never guess what we call it: paralelogramma.
It's beautiful. But in English, ugh!."

"0,1 sequences are the corner points
of the infinite dimensional box."

"What's the probability that a monkey can produce a
Hamlet sequence? Any monkey can write Hamlet,
you just have to wait a bit...that was off the record!!" :)

"You know this 'Butterfly Effect'? It says you go back
to dinosaurs-which you canNOT-and you step on
a butterfly and you change the U.S. President.
It is stupid."

"Ah, chaos. I like this word. No one knows the real meaning,
but it sounds so nice. So use it frequently.
learn the real definition--it's completely boring."

::After explaining how he was definitely not a physicist::
"Imagine 1000 people in this room at a party. They
cannot really move, right? Now, imagine 2 guys
in this room at a party and they are blind..."
::The whole class laughs::
"Come on. I'm explaining real physics
and you laugh?"

"Suppose a robber comes to you and says he will kill
you if you don't prove the Banach-Alaoglu Theorem. You
know the police are, you just need
to know how to start to sound smart. That is, if
the robber is a mathematician. If he is not...well,
I do not know. Although I don't think a non-mathematician
will ask for the proof of the Banach-Alaoglu. I've never heard of that..."

"6 problems. 5 is an A. 4 is a B. Don't even think about a C."
::makes face::
"Actually, I don't even give B's. It's a policy..."

Oh, Gábor, I'm going to miss you and this wonderfully (hilarious) class ♥

**This fact is actually true, and super awesome. It means that about half of every BSM class not only GOES to graduate school, but gets their PhD! Isn't that so exciting?!


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