Wednesday, May 26, 2010



...and I'm not dead? My brain hasn't exploded?!?!?!

I know...who would have thought?!

Now, with less than a week left, there are some things I’ve noticed/realized:
  1. I’m so excited to sleep with my 10 pillows when I get home!!
  2. Packing 200(ish) Túró Rudi and Gurus into these suitcases might not be feasible.
  3. I might be stealing one of these mugs in my apartment...
  4. I’m going to have to start throwing away more clothes in order to make packing 200(ish) Túró Rudi and Gurus into these suitcases feasible.
  5. I definitely have the best parents ever. Definitely.
  6. I think I’m going to go through serious culture shock when I get home. Everything is going to seem so expensive; I’m going to actually understand the conversations around me; I can communicate with people without second guessing how I’m suppose to say words (ok, hopefully this is true); AND I’m going from a wanna-be-city, to a wanna-be-surburbia, to a definitely-middle-of-nowhere country town. Awesome.
  7. Don’t judge me for 4. Especially if you want some.
  8. Did I mention that I can’t wait for my 10 pillows?
  9. I wonder if I’m going to eat as much cabbage in the rest of my life as I have in the past 5 months.
  10. I just found my cell phone. It’s kind of scary, and it flips open, and there is this little circle on the front that “takes pictures”. WEIRD. I can’t believe that I was basically dependent on this thing at one point. I really hope that I don’t go back to that, and my ability to function in society stays mostly cell phone free. Mostly.
  11. Why did I bring so many books and notebooks from previous classes? Did I REALLY think they were necessary, or were they more of a comfort thing?
  12. I definitely need new headphones. Definitely. I’ve been trying to milk these old ones since April. The sound only seems to come out of this little tiny part of them, so hopefully I am getting new ones almost as soon as I get home. Hopefully they last me this 14 hour flight home...
  13. I’m really lucky to be seeing a BSM friend almost as soon as I get home. I think that will make the transition a lot easier. Thank you, Ranjan, for being my date to Katie’s wedding. You will be the We’re going to have so much fun.

Also, there are things that I’m starting to get really excited about:

  1. Tackling my parents at the airport.
  2. My ten pillows—just in case you didn’t notice
  3. The rest of my clothes and shoes!!!
  4. Chipotle…..mmm…
  5. Having a beer with my dad :)
  6. Kneelers with cushions (seriously, Europe, I think you should reconsider using wooden planks as your kneelers…it’s painful…)
  7. A hair cut…goodness gracious that is going to be glorious
  8. Watching Luke’s “Tik Tok” performance.
  9. Cheeseburgers.....mmm...
  10. Taking a shower standing up (actually, I think I might kind of miss sit down showers…)
  11. Raisin Nut Bran
  12. Old Bay
  13. Large eggs
  14. A cup of actual coffee
  15. Clothes Dryers
  16. Using my new, wonderful, beautiful, and dying-to-be-cuddled-with quilt.
  17. Car rides. Wonderful, glorious, blasting-great-music car rides.
  18. Seeing my beautiful family
  19. Seeing my wonderful friends
It seems that I could continue this list for a very long time. I’m actually very excited to go home. I mean, who wouldn’t be?

It also seems that my flight home has been cancelled (stupid British Airways and their stupid strike). I will probably be spending the next 24 hours figuring this business out.

BUT: I'll leave you with my grades for this semester:

Hungarian Language: A
Theory of Computing: A-
Number Theory: B (I am SO proud of this B--Number Theory is not my thing)
and, last but certainly not least:
Functional Analysis: A (yippie!!)

I'm stinkin' proud of myself. Hardest semester of my life, and I leave with 3 A's and a B? Not too shabby...


At May 26, 2010 at 3:13 PM , Blogger Mrs. Captain PAO said...

good job lyd!

it amuses me that you use 10 pillows. i shudder to think what your bed would like if you have kids one day :-p

At May 26, 2010 at 10:57 PM , Anonymous melissa lim said...

how do you know your grades to number theory?

im jealous of the 10 pillows! :)

At May 27, 2010 at 8:21 AM , Blogger Lydia Ann said...

I was the last one to finish so Csaba just graded the final right in front of me to see what my grade for the class would be.


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