Monday, May 24, 2010


Today is my last full Monday in Budapest.

Today starts the last week that I live in my new home.

Today marks the last Monday that I sit at my desk and look out at my beautiful view of Buda.

Today starts the last week I get to spend with my new family and my new best friends.

Today starts the last week that I get to ride the 4/6 tram, I get to smell the delicious pastries when I get off the subway at Moszkva ter, I get to eat Turo Rudi, drink Soproni, and live as a wanna-be-Hungarian.

Today marks the beginning of the end of a wonderful chapter in my life.


Today also marks the beginning of the last week that I have to Skype with my parents in order to see them.

Today also marks the beginning of the last week that I will have incredibly crappy internet.

Today also marks the beginning of the last week that I don’t have a dryer, that I don’t get to eat a giant cheeseburger, that I don’t have access to Old Bay, and that I don’t have my family and friends from home.

Today marks the beginning of the end of a wonderful chapter in my life.

You see what I did there?

As much as I’m not going to like leaving this place and ending this chapter of my life, I know I can’t change it. I know it’s a fact of life.

There is no reason for me to complain about it and to be negative (even though I probably will as the week continues).

I have another chapter to look forward to!

I have friends and family that I am so excited to see!!

Even though today marks the last of so many things, the beginning of the end of this chapter, it also marks the beginning of something new, something exciting, and something that I must do.

So bring it on, today:

I think I can take it :)


At May 24, 2010 at 2:50 PM , Blogger Mrs. Captain PAO said...

your last week of sit down showers!! :-p

At May 24, 2010 at 6:09 PM , Blogger Lydia Ann said...

I think I might actually miss those...


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