Thursday, May 27, 2010

The List.

Throughout the semester, I have compiled a list of things that I know I will miss when I leave Budapest. It includes things from both Budapest and BSM.

Seeing as how I have four (I know, right?) days left, I think it's about time I shared it with you...

  • Túró Rudi
  • My Hungarian professors
  • My down comforter…I mean, what’s the point of any other kind of comforter?
  • The smell of Moszkva Ter when you get off the metro
  • Gyros (I'm sorry there is no picture of this. I always seemed to eat them before I had a chance to take a picture)
  • Cheap food
  • 2$ bottles of wine
  • The most delicious ice cream in the world
  • Doggies everywhere
  • The 4/6 tram
  • My keys
  • Homework party Tuesdays
  • My commute to school
  • Kylee’s laugh
  • Anna & Anna’s office
  • Family dinners
  • Sitting in the grass at Deak on a Friday afternoon
  • The ride home to Buda when I go out at night
  • Margit Hid
  • Taking a shower sitting down (yeah…who would have thought, eh?)
  • My view.

~The Most Important Lessons Taught
to me by BSM Professors~
  1. The most important reason for learning Functional Analysis (and Number Theory, for that matter) is so when a mathematician murderer comes and asks you to prove something (or solve something) with a gun to your head, you can and therefore won't die.
  2. 2 is not a prime number.


At May 28, 2010 at 7:49 PM , Blogger Amelia said...

Those keys are awesome!

At May 28, 2010 at 7:57 PM , Blogger Lydia Ann said...

:) I know, I love them <3

Miss you!!

At May 29, 2010 at 2:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now that you are an experienced BSMer, if you have time, could you write a little list of things that future BSM students should be sure to bring along and things that they should leave at home?

Thank you!!!


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