Sunday, May 30, 2010

My Last Night at Home...

The apartment is bare and everything is packed.

All the things that made this place home--the objects, the pictures, the bottles, and the tokens that made Caitlin and I call this little space ours--all of that is put away to soon become little, beautiful reminders of a chapter that is drawing to a close.

These things, things which made our whole semester wonderful and unique, are shoved into tiny little spaces in my suitcase.

This place, this little apartment on Margit Korut, this new home of mine, will always be alive in my heart. I will always have the Soviet shower ingrained in my brain. I will never forget cooking for 13 hungry tummys on Fat Tuesday in the world's tiniest kitchen. I will always remember the lice bed. And how could I possibly forget the view?

This post has no change of mood, no switch from sad to happy, because it's sad that this is my last night at home. And it's ok that it's sad. It's impossible to be happy all the time.

So I'm going to be sad. I'm going to say that I will miss this place more than I could ever convey to you with words from this keyboard. And I'm going to cry and not feel bad about it. I can be happy again tomorrow.

Kylee and Ranjan are bringing me to the airport tomorrow. I have no idea how I was blessed with such fantastic friends, but God gave them to me and I'm going to hate saying goodbye to them.

I'm going to go enjoy my last few hours with KyJan and this beautiful city...

Tomorrow is my last blog post, and the last day of Budagirl's adventure...


At May 30, 2010 at 3:06 PM , Blogger Mrs. Captain PAO said...

last blog post?? you can't keep blogging at st. mary's??


At May 30, 2010 at 3:19 PM , Blogger Lydia Ann said...

All good things must come to an end...

At May 31, 2010 at 6:06 PM , Blogger angelamay said...

I second the notion to continue blogging at St. Mary's! :) You could start a new one, I'd sure enjoy reading it since I won't be around to enjoy math with you anymore..


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