Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Worst Kind of Hugs.

They are leaving, one by one: my new family and my new best friends. They are each off to their little corners of the United States. It feels so surreal that this is ending, that this adventure is coming to a close.

I feel very lucky to be going back to the U.S. and having friends scattered throughout the whole country.

Two days left and I’m kind of getting tired of how quickly life is moving. Wasn’t it just yesterday that I was walking the halls of St. Pius in that hideously wonderful green plaid?

If life is going to keep speeding up like this, then I’m going to need to figure something out, quick, so I can get everything out of it that I want.

I know that all good things must come to an end, but that doesn't mean that the end is easy. It doesn't mean that the end is subtle. And it definitely doesn't mean that the end isn't full of sad hugs goodbye.

The great thing, though, is that when
I get to see all these wonderful people again,
we get to experience the best kind of hugs.

My Family


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