Monday, May 31, 2010

Goodbye Familiar, Hello Unknown...

I write this with deep and utter heart ache.

Not only am I leaving all of you, my readers, but I am leaving a place that has become my home for the past 5 months; a place that has filled a giant hole in my heart.

I know that I have given you the list of things that I will miss, but I think I am going to miss most the attention to detail in my life that this blog made me keep track of during my time here.

I entered this city as a silly girl who was in love with a beautiful subject and who had an open mind to the next chapter of her life. I leave my new home as a young woman in love with a city, in love with herself, and more in love with mathematics than when I started (don’t worry—I didn’t think it was possible either).

Hopefully my parents recognize me when I get off of the airplane. I have changed so much that I barely recognize myself sometimes. I love the person that this place, this experience, this chapter in my life, has shaped me into. I don’t really know what I was expecting Budapest to do for me, but it went far beyond what I ever imagined was possible. I am finally coming into my own.

I have grown only in a positive direction. While I was hurt a lot during these past 5 months, I also have become a better person because of it. I found something here that I will never be able to thank God enough for:


Every week I have prayed to God for grace, not fully understanding it and why I needed it. But a few weeks ago, it hit me: grace leads to wonderful love and an extremely happy life. I hope that I continue to grow in grace.

I want to thank everyone for believing in me, and for giving me your love; without you, my life just wouldn’t be the same—nowhere near as beautiful.

It is safe to say that this is just the end of a chapter in my life, not the end of the great, wonderful life that I am supposed to live. I have to say though, this was a good chapter.

Thank you for reading my diary, and being apart of my adventure. It’s such a blessing that I got to share it with you.

I don’t want to say goodbye, because those are always way too sad. Instead, I will say that we shall meet again. Who knows when, and who knows in what form; but I promise you that we will.

Who knows, maybe I’ll write a book :)

So long, Budapest: you will forever hold a very special, spacious place in my heart.


And remember my secret? Can you tell what it is?


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