Friday, February 26, 2010


There were many "goals" that I made for myself when I decided to do BSM (Budapest Semesters in Mathematics). Some of them were silly, some of them were unrealistic, but most of them are all attainable things that I will end up doing. The most important goal I set for myself, I think, was this:

Grow up!

And as it turns out, I think I've met that goal pretty well thus far...

When I decided to do this program, I knew it was going to be different then so many other people's abroad experiences; at least the people I know. I was on my own; completely on my own. I literally got on an airplane with no idea what to expect, who to see, or what to do when I got off in Budapest. I just hoped and prayed someone would be waiting for me after I got my luggage. Thankfully, there was...

I feel like even though I have been here for less than 7 weeks, this experience has made me grow up so much. I actually feel like an adult. I have no meal plan, I don't live in a dormitory, and I definitely have no real "rules" that I have to follow (you know, besides the law :P) .

I'm living on my own in this beautiful city. I have to buy groceries and determine the best way to deal with transportation. I can travel whenever I want, and I get to light candles in my apartment. I have to pay for electricity, gas, and water. It all makes me feel like a real adult. It's making me realize how exciting the rest of my life is going to be...

For the first time in a long time I am starting to do things just for me. I'm not thinking about anyone else, or making plans based off of how it will affect them. I have applied for 3 research experiences this summer (2 in New York, 1 in North Carolina), and I hope to get into at least one of them. After that I want to either visit my family in Key West or crash at my sister's in North Carolina (I haven't really mentioned either of these two to anyone yet, so hopefully they don't mind a visit from me!) I'm doing things for me, and I should have started this a long time ago...

Life is full of bumps and forks, and it's all about how you handle them when they get thrown at you that shapes the person you become. I want to be happy, I want to be a good person, and I want to be surrounded by people that love and care about me. God blessed me with a wonderful, beautiful family and a great set of friends at the River and now here, in Budapest.

I'm looking forward to's not going to be too shabby :)

That's all for now, I guess. I'll leave you with this nice quote I found:

“We grow neither better nor worse
as we get old, but more like ourselves”

Thursday, February 25, 2010

I Wouldn't Complain If... wanted to send me mail :)

MAILING ADDRESS (for letters only!!)
College International
Budapest Semesters in Mathematics
Lydia Garcia
1406 Budapest 76
P.O. Box 51
Hungary, Europe

MAILING ADDRESS( for packages and express mails)
College International
Budapest Semesters in Mathematics
Lydia Garcia
Bethlen Gábor tér 2.
Budapest 1071
Hungary, Europe

I'm just saying, I really love mail :)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Change of Plans

Over the past four weeks I have really experienced the phrase that many “grown-ups” like to throw around:

Life doesn’t turn out the way you expect it.

Guess what? That applies to Math classes too!

I am registered for 5 math classes, and 1 non-math class (Hungarian Language). The most amazing part: 3 out of those 5 math classes I didn’t even THINK about taking. And they are probably my favorite classes :)

Here is my new and improved schedule:

~Real Functions and Measures (RFM)
I already talked about this class; it’s a must have for me. It’s really interesting and it’s really hard. It’s going to be the most difficult class I take as an undergraduate, I think. But! The people in it are great, the material intrigues me, and it’s a class I have to take so I might as well enjoy it.

~Functional Analysis (FUN)
Oh man, this class is going so well. I get so excited for Wednesday and Thursday so that I can sit and listen to our professor speak for 2 hours. He turns math into a story, and everything is always so appealing. I really connect with this class, and it is by far my favorite. I’m even hoping to do some research this summer in Functional Analysis!

~Number Theory (NUT)
So I dropped Geometry. I know, I know, it kind of feels like I gave up. But, I look at it this way: those two analysis classes are going to kick my butt. I might as well spend my time learning the material for the classes that I’m actually taking, rather than catching up on stuff that everyone else in the class already knows. So, now I’m taking a class all about the Integers. It’s awesome! My professor is hilarious, and his handwriting is so bad that I cannot take notes (they are all online) so I just get to sit back and pay complete attention. It’s actually really refreshing.

~Theory of Computing (THC)
I know, random. It wasn’t even on my radar. I learned that Extremal Combinatorics did nothing for me. Now, I’m not saying that I have anything against the material; the stuff is awesome, it’s just not for me. So far, THC is really fascinating. I don’t really know how to explain it, but it definitely has a Computer Science vibe to it. I really look forward to learning a lot in this class.

~Mathematic Logic (LOG)
So I know I said I dropped this, but I decided I’m going to audit the class. Basically this means that I sit in on the class, absorb the material, but I’m not graded or tested on anything. I figure that the above 4 classes are going to be challenging enough, so I don’t need anything else to pile on, but the material in Logic is really interesting to just learn. It will be nice to learn something with no pressure attached to it.

So, now that we all know what my classes are, I should tell you this:

This program is hard.

My homework is profuse.

My Wednesdays are painful.

And I’m loving every second of it.

Monday, February 22, 2010


My first day trip was a success! A group of us (me, Kylee, Ranjan, and David) went to a city in southern Hungary called Pécs. We don't have classes on Monday and Friday, so we are probably going to go on quite a few trips together.

We caught a train (my first train ride ever) on Friday, walked around the city, explored, spent the night in a hostel (my first hostel ever) and came back Saturday. It wasn't to exciting, but it was a nice relaxing trip.

After getting settled at the Hostel, our first stop was to the Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul. But on our way over there we found the Locks! People from all over Hungary travel to this city, Pécs, with the person they love to put a lock on this one particular gate. They lock it up and then throw out the key! There are a ridiculous amount of locks on the gate. So many, in fact, that they had to put a new gate up at the end of street!

We didn't have any locks with us, but we took a pretty sweet picture.

The church was right around the corner! It was a beautiful place, and it was a nice experience. All the Catholic churches that I have been to since I have been here (over 5 probably) have been the most beautiful churches that I have ever seen.

Our next stop was the Zsolnay Factory. It was a ceramic factory where most of the ceramics in Hungary (and even some parts of the world) are made. It was a beautiful place (and it reminded me of my mom). So here are some pictures:

Then it was dinner time. We went to a delicious restaurant, and Kylee ordered a Hot Chocolate. Except it wasn't what you would expect. It was litterally hot chocolate (it was nice and thick and tasty).

Of course, after dinner, we had to get ice cream!

It was awesome. The city was beautiful (it kind of reminded me of downtown Annapolis) and I would love to go back in the Spring (when it's not raining)!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Question:

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Well, here is my answer:


Completely, utterly, disgustingly happy...

What’s the point of being anything else?

Thursday, February 18, 2010

A Super Fat Tuesday!

You didn't think I could do it, did you?

Don't worry, neither did I. I was really worried there for a second:

-5 kilos of flour
-6 liters of milk
-32 eggs
-2400 g of butter
-5 kilos of sausage
-1350 g of bacon
-2 kg of sugar
-500 g powdered sugar
-2 "cans" of maple syrup
-5 lemons
-1 can of "whipped cream"
-400 g of Nutella
-2 bags of M&M's
-4 liters of Ice cream
-8 bottles of champagne

Ok, ok...the champagne wasn't used in the making of the pancakes....But still!

It was a lot of pancakes, approximately 104 (and a half)...

I have to say, I was terribly scared of making these, especially at my apartment. I only have three burners, and my kitchen barely fits me, let alone all the ingredients, pans, and people that helped me. But by the grace of God, and our determination to have fantastic pancakes, it was done, and it was delicious!

Also, this country doesn't seem to be equipped with maple syrup. Someone found some, but it was questionable. It's ok, though, we managed to find alternatives. We had powdered sugar, whipped cream, a lemon & sugar mixture, and ice don't worry, we survived :)

People got creative with these pancakes! They were mixing all different kinds of things together. My personal favorite: Nutella pancake, with ice cream, and some bacon. Also, I may or may not have piled some peanut butter on there (thanks Mom and Dad!)

It was messy, it was loud, it was smokey, it was dangerous (at times), and most importantly, it was one of the best nights I have had here so far. After I finished making the pancakes (with my 3 wonderful helpers-see below), and just when everyone's bellies started hurting because they were stuffed full of delicious homemade pancakes, the 14 of us sat around in a circle and went around and said what we were thankful for in our lives. We ended with a toast:
"To the great life we have lived,
to the fantastic life that is to come,
and to the wonderful adventure that we are now living...
It was a great way to end the perfect evening.

I have to say, I'm ridiculously lucky to have met these people, and to be in this place. I feel like I've known them forever, and I can't imagine my life without them.

I hope all of you had a great Fat Tuesday too :)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Happy Fat Tuesday!

Happy Shrove Tuesday!

I hope you had a nice St. Valentine’s Day and a very Happy Presidents’ Day. I sure did :)

But, today, oh today, is Fat Tuesday. It's the last day before the Lenten season, the last day of the carnival season. Today you wipe your slate clean, and today is the last celebration before a time of deep contemplation.

It also marks the day before my healing process. This Lent is going to be very different from any Lent that I have experienced before. It will be a great time of reflection and sacrifice. But I am almost totally ready for it. I just need some pancakes first :)

Lots of pancakes! (Maybe over 200?) Yes, pancakes, blueberry pancakes, nutella pancakes, chocolate chip pancakes, bacon, sausage, ice cream, mmmm....

So please, for me, go eat something delicious and completely bad for you today. Today, you don't have to explain yourself to anyone. Today is the last big feast before Easter. So please, go crazy :)

I'm going to go have a pastry now :)

Next Time on Budagirl: Pictures from Our Pancake Dinner for 15!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Family Dinner...

Doesn't that look delicious?

Don't worry. It was. Friday was a great day.

It started out nice and relaxed. I woke up, made breakfast, and then I started peeling. I peeled potatoes for what seemed like hours. While Kylee cut up 3 heads of garlic, I peeled 5 kilos of potatoes. We were preparing to make food for a lot of people.

Around 2 we got ready to meet up with everyone else (cause they have classes on Fridays) to play some good 'ole American football. It. was. amazing.

Not only was it fun to just get out and exercise, but we had an awesome time running around in the snow. Kylee and I were team captains, and let's just say that I know how to pick a good team (we won 4-1). It was a blast playing football in the snow. We were soaked by the end, and ridiculously tired (and my body was sore yesterday from being tackled). Everyone was ready for a great meal by the end of it.

So, Caitlin and I went home and got ready, and then headed over to our friends' place (Joe and Neal let me borrow their kitchen). Then I began to cook for 12 people (mostly boys). Let's just say, I surprised myself (and I think I could totally pull off having a big family). I made mashed potatoes (with those 5 kilos), homemade garlic bread (with those 3 heads), and breaded fried chicken. It was a giant success! I was so happy it turned out alright.

I felt at home. I felt surrounded by family. I feel so lucky that I'm where I am right now. I've been blessed with this experience, and I know that I'm spending it with the right people. They are caring, funny, intelligent, quirky, happy people; and I am so thankful to have them in my life...

I popped some bubbly, we said a toast (they toasted me :) ), and we just sat around and hung out. Oh, and there were no leftovers :)

My hopeful plan for Fat Tuesday Dinner: Homemade Pancakes (for 12), mmmmm..... :)

P.S. Happy Valentine’s Day!! Do something ridiculous for someone you love :)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

To My Dearest Sobrinito...

...this post was made, with lots and lots of love, especially for you:

Happy Birthday! I cannot believe that I have been blessed with you in my life for 2 years! It's utterly ridiculous. I know that I'm only 20 (so I don't have a ton of wisdom or anything), but I want you to know some things that I wish for you, and that I want you to know forever...

  • You will forever be my baby nephew. No matter if you are 2 or 42, I will remember our first story together (kertyschoo), I will remember our first park adventure, I will remember the first time we just sat in my car and listened to music (roll, roll), and I will remember every special moment we will have together.
  • As your Godmother, I will do the best I can to show you a good Catholic example. That being said, I am far from perfect (you will learn that very quickly). If you ever need anything, you have to know that I will be there for you.
  • You are a very lucky little man. You have a family that has an infinite amount of love for you (and I don't just throw that word around).
  • I promise to share my love of Mathematics with you. I look forward to the day that you know more than me; I look forward to the day that I get to learn math from you :)
  • Do something that you love. I have come to learn more and more that not enough people are doing this. Take enjoyment over money. Take love over wealth.
  • Take adventures. Don't think twice. Be crazy. Take the unexpected route. Live life to the fullest, and don't look back. You were the baby that went through the corn in the corn maze. I know you have it in you, kid.
  • Dare to be different. I know that won't be too hard for you (you have it in your genes), but don't shy away from it. It's very tempting, but only good things will come from being yourself and following your heart.
  • You will be the oldest of a very interesting, intelligent, beautiful family. If you ever need a break, I will have no problem spoiling you :)
  • Live life with massive amounts of love and happiness. If you take no advice from me but this, then I will have succeeded as a great Tia.
  • I will remind you 'til the day I die, that the way you said "more" as a baby was the cutest thing in the whole entire world.
With all the love and besitos in the world,
Happy Birthday,
Tia Lydia ♥

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Oh, Analysis....

Scratch that Logic class.

I fell in love today. And it wasn't even with a class that I had thought about taking. Now, we all know (or at least I know) that I really enjoyed Analysis last semester. It was an amazing experience, where I learned so much. Not just math, but I learned about my character, I built up my confidence, and I learned how to become a better Mathematician. But today, analysis got even better.

I had a time slot open from 12-2. Also, I really didn't like Logic yesterday, so I needed a new class (I can't only take 3!). On the schedule there was a class called "FUN". Everyone, though, was making fun of it because it was suppose to be ridiculously boring and really hard.

Psssh. Lies. Functional Analysis was the best 2 hours of math I have had this week. Now, I know, I've only been going to classes for two days, but STILL. I already know this is going to be one of my favorite classes. The class was small, the professor was awesome, and the material was awesome. AND I knew what was going on. I didn't feel completely lost (like in Real Functions and Measures), creeped out (like in Extermal Combinatorics), or like I was missing something (like in Geometry).

Sigh, I know that FUN will live up to its name. And I'm so glad I decided to sit it on it. PLUS, I still don't have classes on Mondays and Fridays :)

So, here's the new schedule (maybe subject to change):

Real Functions and Measures (RFM): Tuesdays & Thursdays 10-12
-I have taken Analysis I and I'm missing Analysis II right now at the River. But the Topics in Analysis class here is our Analysis I and Analysis II shoved into one. Sooo, RFM is like Analysis III. I'm pretty sure that this will be my biggest struggle, but it's totally worth it. And I love analysis, sooo I will get through it.

Geometry (GEO): Tuesdays 12-2, Wednesdays 8-10
-Sooooo, apparently you need a little bit of a background of Group Theory for this class. I have taken NO Algebra. I need to learn this stuff quick if I want to take this class. It seems so interesting, but I don't want to be the only person that doesn't know what's going on when the professor talks about groups.

Extremal Combinatorics (EXT): Wednesdays 10-12, Thursdays 8-10
-This class seems really awesome. It's basically Graph Theory (we're using a Graph Theory book)! I really like Graph Theory, and I couldn't take it because it's the same time as RFM, so this will be a good substitute. On a creepy note: the Professor stared at me the whole first half of the class. At first I thought I was just imagining it, but then three people (out of the 13) said something to me afterward about it. Hopefully that doesn't happen again, cause it was weird...

FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS (FUN): Wednesdays 12-2, Thursdays 12-2
- :) yay! This class is going to be my favorite. I know it will be hard, and it will kick my butt, but this kind of class is one of the reasons why I love math so much. :)

Hungarian Language: Wednesdays 2-5
-It speaks for itself.

So! That's all so far. I guess I'll let you know if Group Theory gets the better of me and I have to take Number Theory instead....I really hope not.

Tomorrow: EXT, RFM, and FUN! Then the weekend!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My First Day of Classes...

So, today was good, I guessssss....


It.was.awesome. Not only did I wake up way early (cause I was so excited), but I also showed up 45 minutes before my classes started...yeah, I know (huge nerd).

While I was waiting (the 45 minutes), I actually started getting really nervous...What if I'm not smart enough for this? What if I have no idea what's going on? What if I'm the dumbest person here? What if I can't do this?

But then, oh then, I sat down in Real Functions and Measures, and felt more calm then I have in a long time. It was just what I needed. While the professor did a quick overview of Topology, my mind rushed back to the fantastic time I had in that class. How could this experience I'm having right now not be great? How could I be worried? And you know what? Who cares if I'm not the smartest person here (which I'm def. not)? As long as this subject makes me happy, and as long as I enjoy what I'm learning...then who cares about all the "what if's"?

Not me. Cause boy does math make me happy :)

Real Functions was great. Geometry was great. Logic will be great (today was kinda eh...). It was a day that my mind and soul have really needed.

Have I mentioned how much I love math? If you haven't gotten it yet, I'll probably remind you again tomorrow :)

P.S. I got my package from my Mom and Dad today. mmmm, peanut butter :)

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Fortunately for you...

...I cannot upload my skit. I have spent the last 3 days trying to upload the video, and I am giving up. Trust me, though, your ears will thank me.

My last day of language class was pretty awesome. My class put together a pretty horrible, I mean good, skit.

Here is the main idea: Kevin and Csilla are going to see a movie, and they are watching previews (Lion King, Little Mermaid, and Pulp Fiction). I have to say, the two Disney groups just printed out the Hungarian lyrics from the internet. The two Pulp Fiction guys translated the whole scene by themselves (so I gotta give 'em props).

After the skits, everyone just sat around and sung our favorite songs. My personal favorite. Then we started our trek over to the Math school for orientation and a welcome party--which was stocked with fancy samwiches :)

By the way, here is what my schedule is looking like so far:

10-12 Real Functions & Measures
12-2 Geometry
2-4 Logic (Reading Class)
8-10 Geometry
10-12 Extremal Combinatorics
2-5 Hungarian Language Course
8-10 Extremal Combinatorics
10-12 Real Functions & Measures
2-4 Classical Algebra (only for the first 3 weeks)

Yeah, you can be jealous.

Friday night was a good healing night. This weekend was actually really nice. EXCEPT I didn't get to go to Church. The one that we wanted to go to had a sign on the front (in Hungarian) saying it was canceled :(

Sunday night was Superbowl night. Except it was actually Monday morning. A few of us went over to someone's apartment where we sat on his king size bed and watched the Superbowl off his computer. It was over around 4. We had a slumber party :)

Today was the "first day" of classes. Except I don't have classes on Monday! Soooo, I am really excited for tomorrow! It will be fantastic.

Today I did go to school and sit in on a Classical Algebra, 3 week course that they strongly recommend everyone to take. It's not for credit, but it's like a refresher course. And boy did it get me excited. The professor started talking about the Archimedean Property and how Rational numbers are dense, and I just had a huge smile on my face. Math just makes me happy, it just feels right.


I'll let you know how tomorrow goes :)

Friday, February 5, 2010

Kevin & Csilla: The Final Chapter

Today, as our final project for language class, each group has to perform a skit. At the end of every day we have been reading a budding romance between two characters, Kevin and Csilla (pronounced Ch-ee-la).

Today my group (and to be honest, probably every group) is going to make a final chapter for them. And boy, is it going to be funny. Let's just say, a little bit Disney, a little bit Pulp Fiction :)

Hopefully I will have some video of it later!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

"When you feel the assaults of passion and anger, then is the time to be silent as Jesus was silent in the midst of His ignominies and sufferings."
-St. Paul of the Cross

I was reminded yesterday that this is my journal for Budapest, and my adventure into the beautiful world of Mathematics. So I'm sorry that I strayed away from that.

Some life changes have come my way in the past three days, but they are things that I will deal with, by myself. Things that I need to deal with by myself.

Today is the 2nd to last day of language school. Tomorrow is Orientation and the Welcome Party for all the BSMers. So more updates to come on that.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

3 years, 6 months, 29 days...

...and it just went boom.

It doesn't even feel like real life.


So Saturday night, my friend and I found another church. This one had an English service. Also! They still had their Christmas decorations up! I had to take a picture of the Nativity for my mama...

Saturday night was interesting. It was just a few of us, walking around and talking. We eventually found a place to hang out, and they had a beer that I never heard of before. BUT! I knew the name from a famous math problem (for all my combi classmates):

It wasn't a too adventurous night, but fun nonetheless.

Sunday was a lusta day. My roommate and I didn't leave the apartment. It was actually really awesome and relaxing...

Tonight was awesome.

Have I mentioned that the people here are totally amazing?

We went to this bar called Morrisons. It was suppose to have free beer from 9-11, but that was a total lie. So, we just danced the night away. It was awesome. We had so much fun, and I realized that I really have found an amazing group of friends here.

A lot of the people here know about Josh, and they look out for me (a few of the guys have girl friends, so they understand). It's really nice, and I really appreciate it. All three of us girls (the 3 Musketeers) really are grateful to have them around.

Anyways, I'm exhausted, and hopefully I will write more tomorrow.

Ugh, I just can't wait to start math. It's going to be amazing, I just know it!